The intention certainly is not to go behind Parliament. The intention is to try to tailor the language of the 1983 Privacy Act to the way with which the public is used to being communicated to in 2009-10. How do you get a message about the protection of personal information to Canadians, particularly the younger generations now, if your primary vehicle is, for example, an annual report? By the time it's done and so on, it's 18 months after things have happened.
We would like to have a more flexible approach. For example, we could report to Parliament at much closer intervals. We could and do put some anonymized information on the website. We could perhaps make public some of our audits, so that Canadians know what to expect and have more transparency about the government's handling of their personal information. If you look at what we do in PIPEDA, you'll see an example of how we would like to deal with the Privacy Act.