These changes would not address the issue of Google Street View because Google Street View is covered by the other law, so we are applying that other law to it. It is, shall we say, a challenge for the moment. The challenge isn't so much the law as it is the relative novelty of the kind of collection of personal information that's suggested by Google Street View, but I understand you're going to have hearings and so on.
Let me say that there are other recommendations. Initially, we had a long paper of some 50 pages that we submitted to this committee, and we've since been trying to refine our suggestions.
I and the assistant commissioners would be extremely happy if you were to adopt these 12 recommendations. That would be a quick fix. More than that wouldn't be a quick fix, but a major reform. We're trying to be practical: we're trying to suggest things that are already in practice, things that are low in cost, and things that simply underscore existing Treasury Board directives.
Of course, if you want to go on, we can, but we would be very happy if you accepted these suggestions.