This is the 20th meeting of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics. Our order of the day, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), is our study on Privacy Act reform, and more specifically the quick fixes proposed in a report from the Privacy Commissioner.
Our witness today, after having a number of witnesses on the subject matter, is in fact the Privacy Commissioner, Ms. Jennifer Stoddart. She has with her the assistant privacy commissioner, Chantal Bernier, and acting senior counsel, Hedy Kirkby.
Welcome to all of you.
We've had an interesting journey with our witnesses and with our discussions with you in the past. I understand that you have some opening remarks for us with regard to what we heard. The committee has prepared a draft report, in camera, to encapsulate some of the witnesses' views as well as to get a preliminary indication of the committee's views. Now that we're here, full circle, back to the commission itself, we're very interested to hear your reaction, if any, to any of the matters raised by some of the witnesses or even by the members' questioning, to assist us in finalizing our report.
With that, I will turn the floor over to you, Madam Commissioner.