The CBC is a special case. They came under the statute in September 2007, and within a month they were faced with over 500 requests from a single requester. Within 60 days my office received from the same requester some 400 complaints related to those 500 requests. We met with CBC and gave them until April 1, 2009, as a commitment to resolve those. I felt that was reasonable. The complainant has taken the issue to the Federal Court. It is currently before the Federal Court, and the next hearing is on June 3. Of the remaining 221 complaints, we're down to 23, which will be the object of discussion in the Federal Court on June 3.
CBC was in a special position. They were inundated with requests. Some were simple, some complex. They've done a considerable amount of work, but they did not meet the March 31, 2009, deadline that I had set for them, the commitment that they'd made, so I have now initiated 23 investigations on those particular cases. Those investigations are ongoing at this time.