They are happier, but again there are a couple of caveats. This is in contradistinction to the rather troubled history a while ago, which is well behind us, I think. Secondly, my office and the Office of the Information Commissioner, Mr. Marleau, are one reporting unit, so the answers are for double the reporting of a unit. But the answers have moved up, and 68% of our employees responded to the e-survey. That's very positive, because employees who are indifferent.... We're in the middle of reviewing the data to give you more detailed answers on that, but the participation of employees is seen as a positive trend.
Last spring we were very proud of the Hill Times report that we were the 11th best place to work, along with the Information Commissioner. That was last June or July. We're in competition with a lot of large departments that can offer people career promotions for the rest of their lives. We try to emphasize that ours is a good place to work, not only because we try to balance work and family but because we try to run programs that ensure the wellness of employees at work.