All I can say is that this component—the mains plus these supplementaries, if granted.... I manage the act that I have, not the act that I want or the act that I propose we should have. All of this is predicated exactly on the statute as it is.
As to costing of some of the recommendations I've made, that could come, if they move forward. What we did with the recommendations was consult a base of users, practitioners, and academics and build a body of consensus around what needs to be done to improve ATIA. There are costs attendant on doing it, I grant you that, but some of them are government costs. Many of them will be in departments; some will be in the courts; some will reflect on me.
It's not really my responsibility or accountability to cost future legislative initiatives, if they occur. I don't deny that there are costs attendant upon any of the recommendations I've made. It's premature, I think, to try to cost them out, and certainly to cost them within my own budget.