Thanks again.
As stated earlier, on this side we're very excited about this technology, and I think you both acquitted yourselves very well.
There are four concerns that I sought to have addressed today. The one I want to focus on in my last questions is this issue of storage. Mr. Lister, your company is taking millions of images in Canada of Canadians and storing those images out of the reach of Canadian commercial privacy laws. You're also keeping those images in your possession for an unspecified period of time, and I would suggest to you that this gives your company a degree of power that was not provided for in our commercial privacy laws.
Respected journalist Greg Weston listed some of his concerns. He talked about, for example, biometrics. Right now we have technology that can identify people by their fingerprints, by their eye retinas. It's not unreasonable to expect that one day they could be identified technologically by the unique shape of their face. If you have millions of images of people, you have the time and place in which those images were shot, and you have the company in which people find themselves when those images are shot, you are going to have an enormous amount of personal information about millions of people, without their expressed consent. How do you see this complying with Canada's commercial privacy laws?