I understand that, and I did hear your answer earlier. But you've said you won't be using the photos taken prior to March 24, and it dawned on me that perhaps the appropriate thing to do would be to make Canadians rest assured that those photos will never be used. You could just simply state that they'll be destroyed. But I heard your additional answer.
The federal and provincial privacy commissioners have put out a statement. In that statement they indicated that they believe that companies that engage in this activity have to let citizens know, among other things, when these photos will be taken. That includes notification using a variety of media, local media outlets, outlining the dates and the locations for filming, and the purpose for the filming and so on.
Earlier I asked you about what steps you'd be taking to notify Canadians. Clearly, the privacy commissioners have raised an expectation that local media outlets should be informed of the dates and the locations when these pictures are going to be taken. Does Google have any intention of fulfilling that request from these privacy commissioners?