Interesting. I would have thought a compromise might be October.
In any event, I have a feeling there is some interest in reflecting the urgency that the member has in presenting her motion. She feels strongly about it. It's her right to do this. She's asking this committee whether they share her concern about the needs to address this legislation, and on a timely basis in her view.
This is the problem with motions. They come from individual members. If you don't do your homework really well, do a little consultation with your colleagues, and you don't provide the information, chances are you may not earn the votes you need to get it through. But that's up to the committee. We learn from these things. And no matter how this gets disposed of today, there is no prohibition from the matter coming up again.
I think we should move forward. We have other witnesses.
First of all, I would like to put the amendment of Mr. Poilievre that we replace the words “March 31,” by the words ”the end of”. So it would read, “introduce in the House by the end of 2009”, etc. I'd like to put the vote on Mr. Poilievre's amendment, if that's acceptable.