I congratulate you on your harmony, your ability to speak with three independent jurisdictions that have separate acts. Your cooperation is very edifying.
I'd like to ask a question that was raised earlier. I would like some clarification. A number of servers are installed in the United States. The data is captured and retained in the United States. This was raised earlier, but it's not clear in my mind. There is some question of American security laws, such as the US Patriot Act.
What are the consequences with respect to all the data, the information that is stored? There are data bases and all kinds of things in which data that has flowed are stored. It's there. Once it's in the jurisdiction, people are very vigilant: does the data transmitted no longer belong to us. Does the US Patriot Act intervene at that point?
This was raised earlier, but I didn't get an answer that was clear for me. Could you clarify it further?