Well, thank you, Mr. Chair.
Good morning, Ms. Shepherd. I'm surprised to see in your report that you report a reduction in corporate lobbyists and even staff lobbyists. It's been my experience that you can't swing a cat on Parliament Hill without hitting a lobbyist. It feels like an infestation sometimes, especially in the members' gym, where a lot of the highest paid lobbyists in the land are in fact former cabinet ministers who skulk around the members' gym and look for secret meetings, etc.
I'm very surprised to see you see that. I don't see it as a bad thing--a reduction in lobbyists--as you might be able to tell. I liken it to driving the money-lenders from the temple even, if you ask me.
I'm very surprised, though, to see you say that the ink is not even dry on the new act and you're already granting exemptions. Who have you granted exemptions to, to date?