That's fair enough.
At the same time, there has to be a way that we can have the minister respond to the new information that has come forward from Mr. Marleau. Perhaps an intermediary step would be to contact the minister through the chair to see whether he has a response. That might take us some distance.
I know what Mr. Martin is getting at. I have said in my remarks that he has a long history of working on this file—as have you, Mr. Chair—so I can appreciate the desire of members of the opposition to move with haste. At the same time, I think we should be deliberate, and if we could prepare a letter on behalf of the committee indicating what we've heard from Mr. Marleau, asking for a response with a deadline, then I think we probably would move the file forward faster than instigating more confrontation and more clashing. That's how I would propose we move forward.