Thank you.
I looked at these last three years and the data and the doubling of complaints against PCO. Parallel to that, you see that under the Conservative government, the average processing times have gone from 30 days to 60 days--in the time prior to this government--to 150 days, 250 days, and in some cases beyond. We're going from a couple of months to almost a year, in many cases.
There seems to be a new tactic being employed by PCO. A letter like this goes out after someone has been stalled out for, let's say, half a year: We're aware that a certain time has passed since your request was originally received; we sincerely apologize for the delay; and in an attempt to clear the heavy backlog, please complete the following--namely, do you still require that information, yes or no?
Isn't that somewhat Orwellian?