Thank you very much.
Ms. Legault and your colleagues, thank you very much for appearing before us this morning. I certainly enjoyed reading your report and listening to your comments. The further information you've supplied to us has been extremely useful.
When I was going through your report I noticed the chart on page 17 entitled “Summary of caseload, 2006-2007 to 2008-2009”. When I look at those numbers, in just about every case there's an increase. But what I don't see is the number of complaints by individual.
I say that because at our last meeting, when Mr. Marleau was here, he gave this committee evidence that 29% of the complaints received last year came from only two individuals, and the top 10 complainants account for almost half of all the complaints received by your office. That seems to be rather excessive, on the point of a couple of individuals, with the caseload and workload you're experiencing.
I do note that in the information you gave us today in this extra handout there are some further figures and facts.
Can you comment further, without naming the individuals in question, on what percentage of the complaints came from your top complainant?