Perhaps you could consult your agenda and tell us chronologically over the last few years what has happened with respect to requests from the commissioner. I am certain she wants to fulfil her mandate pursuant to the expectations of government and of the machinery of government. I would imagine she meets with you regularly. I would like you to consult your agendas and see when the most recent requests were made by her, so you may inform the committee of your dealings with the commissioner.
My second question is to you, Ms. Boyd.
Are you made aware, systematically, of public office holders who are the subject of investigations for reasons of conflicts of interests or other types of investigations where there is some suspicion of potential conflicts of interest?
Could you also tell me what would be the penalties provided and what the process is? Would these people be put on leave without pay, with pay, are they transferred? Would a deputy minister, who himself has been appointed, have the power to direct such an investigation?
I'm asking you all these questions because it seems as though there are no guidelines as to who is responsible for managing the application of the code as such.