La Francophonie association of data protection authorities is a subsection of the great Francophonie organization. It brings together, therefore, the authorities for data protection of the members of the Francophonie. The purpose is truly to provide us with a comparative basis, learn from each other, and enrich each other's work and policies in sharing experience.
Some of the main activities of the last year are the following. We have produced a report on what we've called the Canadian model—Quebec, New Brunswick, as well as the federal model—and it has been distributed widely through universities, through Francophonie data protection agencies and so on, to show how a governance structure for the protection of privacy can work well and enhance and help states that are still developing those structures to do so.
We have also contributed, just two weeks ago, to a whole seminar of the Francophonie, where we specifically addressed the issue of protecting data in a globalized world. In doing so, again, we shared our good practices with others and learned about the Francophonie states' good practices. All of us are getting better together.
These are the main activities under the Francophonie for this last year.