Colleagues, this room is booked precisely for 11 o'clock, with teleconferencing. We don't want to inconvenience the committee coming in, and I think this is an important discussion that we should reflect on a little bit further, so I'm going to suggest that we carry it over to our meeting on Thursday. We'll pick it up where we are right now.
Subsequent to that, you may have noticed that in the materials forwarded to you and probably received in your offices yesterday there are two documents. One is on the Access to Information Act and recent proposals for reform. The other is similar, but these are proposals that came out of the Information Commissioner's office from the right-to-know legal panel that it ran, under which it had a whole week of interesting interventions. I had our researchers prepare these documents for your information so that you would know all of the work that has gone on with regard to access to information. We are looking forward to having a steering committee meeting about where to go from here, and I thought these documents might be useful to the committee to bring pretty well everything that's on the table so far into a couple of documents that we'll be able to consider.
So after we've finished with disposing of the current item before us, I'd like to have an open discussion at the committee on these documents. The researchers will lead us through them to some extent, simply to understand where we have been and where we are right now, and that may give us a better focus on what else we might do, if anything. This will be the committee's decision, so we should prepare for it.
If that's acceptable to the committee and there is no further business, we're adjourned.