Sure. I'll keep it relatively brief. This motion basically mirrors a very constructive motion that Mr. Del Mastro put before the committee during the last meeting. It was constructive. It extended the committee's goodwill to the minister in the hope of receiving a more substantive response than we have to date.
As we had responses from the minister on the Access to Information Act that were similar to those on the Privacy Act, I thought we would provide the minister with an opportunity to give this committee a more fulsome response to the various points. I don't want to have to once again go through all of the quotes from the minister's appearance before the committee when dealing with the Privacy Act, but at least a dozen times the minister repeated his statement that--and I'll just quote once--“it's only fair and reasonable to take into consideration the recommendations of the present commissioner”.
He encouraged this committee to do our work and to look at the recommendations of Mr. Marleau. Whether questions were from the Conservative members, from members such as Kelly Block, or from the opposition members, the response was uniform: he looks forward to the work, he looks forward to responding to the work we've done, and he looks forward to responding to all of the recommendations.
This provides the minister with an opportunity to do so.