But in fact there's no way for me to know whether I'm getting reports on all the gifts that are being received. I'm actually trying to do a bit of work on that, to figure it out. I've dealt with a few ministers' offices now. There was a delay in reporting gifts, a very noticeable delay, which came to light last summer in a newspaper article.
I've worked with several offices now to set up a system whereby every two weeks they report any gifts they've gotten. That has rectified the problem quite a bit, but there's still work to be done. I'm trying to figure out who else I ought to go and establish a system for. I don't know whether I....
You know, I have certain people who consistently report gifts. And there are only certain types of people who get gifts, actually. Usually they're prime ministers and so on, or people who are out on trips and what not. Probably there are subject areas where gifts are more likely, but I haven't finished figuring out what to do about that.