Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thanks to the committee for the time it's providing me to address you once again on the issue of access to information reform.
With me today again are Suzanne Legault, the assistant commissioner, policy, communications and operations; and Andrea Neill, the assistant commissioner for complaints resolution and compliance.
At my appearance before you last week I tabled a document that elaborates on 12 recommendations to strengthen the Access to Information Act. These 12 recommendations are urgently needed to modernize the access to information regime from a legislative perspective and catch up with more progressive regimes both nationally and internationally. While I'm not presenting them to you as a package that is entirely take it all or leave none, there is a thread that runs through these recommendations, and I hope it'll come out in my remarks.
These changes address the general themes of parliamentary review, providing the right of access to all, strengthening the compliance model, public education, research and advice, coverage, and timeliness.
I want to stress that the list of recommendations represents an important first step in meeting the challenge of modernizing the act. The list is by no means exhaustive. The recommendations only tackle the most pressing matters. I will quickly go over the twelve recommendations I am prepared to respond to some more detailed questions in a moment.
First, I recommend that the act be amended to require a review by Parliament every five years. This schedule will provide an opportunity for parliamentarians to identify systemic issues, consider best practices in other jurisdictions and recommend changes to legislative or administrative structures.
In an environment of increasing globalization, people require access to information regardless of their physical presence. It's becoming difficult to sustain the concept of limited access. It prevents our regime from moving to the Internet age, which ultimately affects timeliness. It also increases costs by adding intermediaries.
Therefore, I recommend that the right of access be provided to all.
I also recommend providing the Information Commissioner with order-making powers for administrative complaints. This model would facilitate an expeditious resolution of administrative matters, which account for about 50% of my office's business.
Fourth, in order to exercise a measure of control over the complaint process and the utilization of resources, I recommend that the commissioner have the discretion to investigate complaints. Currently the Access to Information Act requires that I investigate all complaints received.
The two next recommendations deal with my mandate as Information Commissioner. I believe that these changes will assist in promoting greater dialogue, transparency, and increased accountability.
First, many of my counterparts, provincially and internationally, are expressly empowered to promote a public understanding of access rights and to conduct research into issues affecting the public's right to know. This expanded mandate would help ensure that Canadians are aware of how to exercise their rights to know. And therefore I recommend that the Information Commissioner be given a public education and research mandate.
In addition, I recommend that the role of the Information Commissioner in providing advice regarding proposed legislative initiatives be expressly recognized so that federal institutions are obligated to consult with my office in developing legislative proposals to ensure proper account is taken of the impact on freedom of information.
Canadians expect all publicly funded bodies to be accountable under access to information legislation. This is why the administrative records of the Senate, the House of Commons, the Library of Parliament and the judicial branch of government should be covered by the act. This is my recommendation number 7.
Another important proposal relates to cabinet confidences. The status of cabinet confidences has been under constant debate since the inception of the legislation. Currently, they are excluded from my review, which goes against one of the fundamental principles of freedom of information legislation — independent oversight. Therefore, I recommend that the Access of Information Act apply to cabinet confidences as discretionary exemptions.
As noted in my special report to Parliament, tabled last week, a greater oversight is required to ensure that extensions do not undermine the timely release of information. Therefore, I recommend that the approval of the Information Commissioner should be required for any extension that is greater than 60 days.
And timeliness of investigations is also an issue. My office is trying to tackle that. I briefed you last week on the backlog of cases. I believe it is appropriate to establish a 90-day timeframe for completing administrative investigations. That's my recommendation number 10.
The Access to Information Act does not provide direct access to the Federal Court for requesters. Instead, the Information Commissioner must first complete his investigation before a complainant can go to court if he or she desires. The time required to obtain a binding resolution of a complaint can be too long for some requesters. Recommendation number 11 provides for this option.
Institutions are sometimes faced with multiple and simultaneous requests from the same applicant. And as it currently stands, the provision for extending time limits cannot be applied to these situations. Therefore, I recommend that government institutions have the option of claiming time extensions when responding to multiple and simultaneous requests from the same requester that would unreasonably interfere with their operations.
In closing, Mr. Chairman, I would like to reiterate that I support, in principle, the Open Government Act, which was developed by my predecessor at the behest of this committee. However, the recommendations I am making in this document I believe should be implemented without delay. They would go a long way to appreciably improving the effectiveness of the regime in providing significant benefits to Canadians. And indeed, should Parliament adopt my first recommendation of a five-year review, if this legislation were amended accordingly today, five years from now we'd be in a position to report back on any changes that these recommendations may or may not have brought to the system.
Thank you for inviting me to share my thoughts on the reform of the Access to Information Act, Mr. Chair. We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have.