This is the eighth meeting of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics. Today, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), our study is on the Access to Information Act reform.
We have before us again, from the Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada, Mr. Robert Marleau, Information Commissioner; Andrea Neill, assistant commissioner, complaints resolution and compliance; and Suzanne Legault, assistant commissioner, policy, communications, and operations.
As you know, we invited Mr. Marleau to come back to specifically address the 10 recommendations he left with us at our last meeting. Mr. Marleau also left us suggestions on five witnesses who are up to date, in his view, and proactive on the Access to Information Act and would be prepared to be witnesses. We contacted them, and three are available. They are all from out west, and it is my intention to call them to be witnesses on Wednesday so we can keep the continuity of the current work we're doing. So that's coming up.
You also have before you the matter from the Oliphant commission. We will deal with that at the end of the meeting. I'll give you an opportunity to look at it and consult, if necessary.
Mr. Siksay.