Yes, please.
With respect, I cannot agree with the comments of the government member on March 9 that permitting foreign citizens to use our FOI law might harm our national security. I believe such fears are groundless for at least three reasons.
First, it is true that along with Canada, several nations, such as Pakistan and Zimbabwe, do not permit foreign citizens to use FOI laws, but the vast majority in the world do. The United States is of course at far higher risk of attack than Canada, so why has the Untied States allowed foreigners to file FOI requests since 1966? Why do all our provinces and more than 50 nations permit it, including France, Great Britain, Mexico, South Africa, and most eastern European nations? It is the accepted national standard.
Also, there are already safeguards in the ATI law, such as section 15, which would prevent the release of information that could affect national security.
Thank you.