Thank you very much.
And thanks once again for being here with us. Certainly we always appreciate your coming forward and giving us the information. The purpose of today's meeting was to gather information so we could see where we wanted to go with this process. I think this process has been supported by both sides of the room here. I don't think there's been any objection from the government side at all. I think it's something we do want to explore.
I was glad to see in your opening remarks that we are seeing some signs of progress. I think that's encouraging. Certainly it's not the answer or the end of the process, but it is encouraging to see that some departments and some areas are doing things very well. I think the opposition needs to realize this process is being driven by everyone around this table, not by the opposition. I wanted to make that very clear.
The one thing I haven't heard today and that I have a question about is that the process has to have a cost involved in it. Have you talked with any of the others that have done this, that have started into it? Do you have any idea what the U.S. or the U.K. or Australia may have budgeted for this process?