Yes, indeed, the Quebec regulations and... In fact, the Quebec legislation is more recent than Canada's. It better satisfies international requirements with regard to access to information. And the regulations list several elements that must be disclosed by Quebec institutions.
With regard to these requirements, one must be careful. Indeed, at the federal government level, various things must be disclosed proactively at the administrative level, which is quite compulsory and which is outlined in Treasury Board policies. Once must really compare the two in order to determine if there truly is a need to amend the legislation in order to ensure the same level of disclosure. I do not have this information, I do not know exactly what is disclosed at the federal level at the present time, administratively speaking, and I do not know what the Quebec regulations provide for.
There is a major distinction: in Quebec, these regulations include the obligation to disclose the access requests that are made. That does not exist at the federal level, nor elsewhere in Canada; it does, however, exist in Mexico, in Great Britain, to my knowledge, and it is outlined in legislation.
In my opinion, this would be excellent. Two departments do this voluntarily: the Department of National Defence and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. And, as of tomorrow, I believe that there will also be my office.