Basically the idea is that you do what's commonly known as an access impact assessment. The idea is to think about disclosure of information when you create documents, when you start developing policies and programs.
One of the difficulties now is with the complexity of government, which is not only done horizontally across departments but also multi-jurisdictionally, i.e. federal, provincial, territorial, aboriginal governments, and in the private sector. So it's very difficult to access information about different types of programs and policy.
My favourite example is the Mackenzie pipeline project. I dare anyone to try to access information on that, because it's been going on for so long and there are so many parties involved. If we think about disclosure of information when we embark on these complex projects, then we can think ex ante about disclosure. That would facilitate access.
I know that Dr. Caron is on the same wavelength as I am on this one. It's the thought process of managing your information and keeping appropriate records when you start projects, programs, and policies. So it's disclosable and also it's archivable.