Okay, we're done.
Back to proactive disclosure. Our witness today, from the Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada, is Madam Suzanne Legault, interim Information Commissioner.
Welcome, Commissioner.
The commissioner has agreed to come to help us further our education on the whole matter of proactive disclosure and possibly give us some words of wisdom on how we might proceed with an enormous project if we were thinking we were going to somehow steer this entire process. That would be overly ambitious, I'm sure, but the commissioner has a presentation for us that I hope will give us the foundation we need to make good laws and wise decisions, as it were, in terms of planning our work plan, which has been drafted by the researchers.
Commissioner, I understand you're a little nervous about the fact that it might be a long presentation, but this is extremely important to us, and I know members will take an opportunity to stretch their legs if necessary and maybe go to the back of the room where there might be something they might want to see.
Having said that, Commissioner, please proceed.