Thank you for that. I think we do need to have that conversation so that everybody is onside as to exactly how we chunk this as we move forward; I think we have to take it in steps.
The first part would certainly be to educate ourselves, so that as we engage witnesses or travel to Washington or Quebec, say, we should be able to engage them on very detailed and specific matters based on the work we'll have done. The first part will certainly be education and helping us to define where we want to be.
Let's put it this way. This will be a living document, as it were. We're not defined very fully right now, but we will deal with it.
Madame Freeman, if you could come prepared after the break to lead a discussion on the area of order-in-council appointments, I would like to deal with that. I don't want it to sit on our agenda for very much longer. I've been very patient.