This is the 16th meeting of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics. Our orders of the day, pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(h)(vi), are a study on allegations of interference in access to information requests, and specifically the motion, moved by Mr. Easter, that the committee conduct a study regarding allegations of systemic political interference by ministers' offices to block, delay, or obstruct the release of information to the public regarding the operations of government departments, and that the committee call before it a number of witnesses, which we have been working through.
This morning we were to have, from the Office of the Prime Minister, Mr. Dimitri Soudas, the director of communications for the Prime Minister.
I think everybody is aware that there was an announcement by the government that was confirmed in the chamber this morning at 10 o'clock. All parties had an opportunity to respond to the ministerial statement.
Just prior to this meeting, the clerk received a telephone call from Mr. Soudas to indicate that he would not be appearing and that they would be following the decision of the government with regard to political staffers appearing before committees.
In this particular case, the minister responsible in fact is the Prime Minister. As you know, it is quite unusual that a Prime Minister would appear before a committee on such a matter. As a consequence, the Prime Minister’s Office has asked Minister John Baird, the Minister of Transport, to appear before us to answer our questions, and even to make a brief opening statement if he wishes.
Colleagues, under the circumstances, I think we all understand that this is a very serious matter that was raised with Parliament just this morning at 10 o'clock. It's a long statement, and it has had the input of all the parties at this time. I understand, from my reading of watching the proceedings, that each of the parties wants to be very careful, to look carefully at the statements and at the precedents, and determine what happens--not to take too quick a step on this. I think that's probably good counsel for this committee as well.
We do have our members assembled. We have other business to do as well. But the minister has come here on behalf of the Prime Minister, as he often does in the chamber, and I've agreed to allow him to appear.