We have made other calls for witnesses. The steering committee is going to meet on Thursday, I think we agreed, to see if we can sort out our rescheduling, because if political staff are not able to come before committee, all of a sudden we have a whole schedule to redo. Rather than take up the entire committee's time, we're going to do that on Thursday for an hour, from twelve until one, after the President of Mexico addresses the Chamber. Our meeting on Thursday in fact is cancelled, but the steering committee agreed to meet.
Now the motion is that we deal with the non-appearance of Mr. Soudas. I think I'd like to hear options or suggestions from each party first, just to get a sense of where we're going. I don't know whether we'll be able to complete this, but I do want to hear from each party. Then when we see what the dimensions are here, we'll have a better idea of whether a motion will be forthcoming to actually do something concrete.
Mr. Easter, would you like to start?