At the last meeting of the committee, which was meeting number 1, the committee instructed the chair to retable those, but noting explicitly that we were not requesting a response. In one of the reports, it's page 30—page 31 is blank—the separate page pursuant to Standing Order 109, requesting a government response.
We have already received a response on both reports. This committee came to the conclusion that we wanted to get a more comprehensive response to each and every recommendation. Things were in process that we were going to have that by February 15, but the prorogation sort of threw all that off. I have now provided the minister with the various documents and documentation and correspondence so that he's up to speed. He's going to get back to me as to when we can expect to get his response addressing each of the recommendations in both reports. Once we get that and members have had an opportunity to review it, we will see if we can arrange to have him come before us, if there is a need to do that.