Thank you, Chair. I think we've finally gotten to the point that we should have been at earlier, in my opinion. But it's clear that the three folks who we wanted to hear from, Mr. Togneri, Ms. Andrews, and Mr. Soudas, are refusing to appear before the committee despite being invited and despite being summoned. I believe it is important to proceed to report that issue to the House.
In that light, I'd like to propose a motion dealing specifically with Mr. Togneri. We have the wording that was distributed by you and by the clerk earlier, at an earlier meeting, and I'm following that wording in the suggested report. I'm just following on that document that was provided. Specifically, I'd like to move:
That the Committee report the following to the House. On Thursday, April 1, the Committee agreed, pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(h)(vi) and the motion adopted by the Committee on the same day, to undertake a study on allegations of interference in access to information requests.
In the course of this study, the Committee chose to invite Sébastien Togneri to appear before it. Here are the facts...
We can take out that sentence about “these witnesses refused to appear before the committee”. So it reads, “Here are the facts...”. So the paragraph about Mr. Togneri—