Thank you, Mr. Siksay.
If I may, just with regard to the costs issue that Mr. Siksay raised, annex 1 of the report from April 11, 2006, deals with a cost study from 1994, updated in 1999. It all has to do with the proposals by former Information Commissioner Reid. These costs deal with: adding institutions, which was done under the Federal Accountability Act; public register requirements; universal access; duty to document; time limits for investigations; and other proposals such as public awareness, training, monitoring, etc.--the education side.
Minister, I think Mr. Siksay's question was with regard to the quick fixes that were included in the report on updating the Access to Information Act. It was whether or not there had been some costing on those to the extent that there would be meaningful costs associated with them, because your representation actually had to do with the costs rationalization. I wonder if we—