You may recall that when I first raised it with the committee, I said that here is a template, here is what other committees have done, and it was just on Mr. Togneri. It listed the dates of service, etc. To this document, which was dealing just with Mr. Togneri... And this is in fact a motion that Mr. Siksay moved initially. That was tabled, but now he's bringing that matter basically back on the floor with the addition of this part, which goes into the middle, before “therefore we've decided to do this...”.
I do know that members have the original draft of a possible motion that was circulated when Mr. Siksay moved it. He has just circulated the additional language that he would like to have in it. If the committee would like to have the whole thing read right through again, for greater certainty, we could certainly do that. How's that?
Mr. Siksay, I'm going to leave it up to you to make absolutely sure.
But you have the documents.