We're working right now on the national security document. There's a bit of a debate, in fact, about who it will be useful to. First of all, it's a public document, of course, but the idea is that it is directed to government policy-makers who have to take security considerations into account and also, to the extent possible, protect privacy as well.
That is the one we're working on. We work with a variety of people: scholars, people in government security, and the police community. We have a former foreign affairs minister on the committee, and we have members of the advocacy groups that are very interested in civil liberties, to try to get a complement of different points of view so we have some kind of general guidance on what, from the point of view of the Privacy Commissioner, we consider to be a good balance between these two objectives. That's the one that we've really come the farthest with. It's a similar process in terms of genetic information.