Rule 8 indicates that a lobbyist shall not place a public office holder in a conflict of interest by taking on any activities that would cause or suggest improper influence.
There was a court case, which was Democracy Watch v. Barry Campbell. And in the court case it said the previous guidance that had been given on the rule was unreasonable. They declared that basically it wasn't just a real conflict of interest but a potential conflict of interest.
So I have issued guidance that a lobbyist needs to be mindful of in terms of advancing the private interest of the public office holder and causing a tension with the public office holder's duty to serve the public good and the private interest. I have indicated that something like organizing a fundraising event for a public office holder is advancing, arguably, the interest of a public office holder. If the individual was then to be lobbying, there would be the potential for a conflict there. So I would see a fundraising event as being very much something a lobbyist would have to be mindful of in terms of participation.