Colleagues, the next item of business is, first of all, the minutes of the steering committee. Then of course we have the motion from Mr. Easter that we were discussing when the last meeting ended. And we do have a motion from Mr. Poilievre here. I think they are all related--Mr. Easter's motion, Mr. Poilievre's motion, and actually one of the paragraphs of the steering committee; they're all somewhat related.
First of all, I'd like to deal with the minutes of the steering committee, and perhaps some of them do require a little explanation. One requires perhaps some clarification. I will just go over it.
This arose from the meeting of the steering committee held earlier today. We agreed to take three action items. The first one is that as part of our future agenda we would invite two departments that received an F as a result of the information commissioner report cards. The thinking behind that, colleagues, was basically that these departments or agencies are not following the legislation, and we just want some explanation as to why that is. Is it lack of resources or is it lack of will? Is it confusion within the legislative framework? Is it political direction? What is the problem that these departments or agencies cannot deal with this particular legislation? Maybe it's people abusing legislation. I think it's important that we do hear from them because it appears to be a systemic issue with certain departments and agencies.
The last one there--I want to come back to the first one--is that we're going to request the analyst to prepare a memo on perhaps a trip to Washington to deal with the whole issue of proactive disclosure, which is going to be part of our study.
On the first one, which is related to Mr. Easter's motion and Mr. Poilievre's motion, I do think it requires a little more precision, and I'll just make a suggestion that I think will make it a little more precise. I'll read it: “Thursday, November 4: Invite Nigel Wright to appear before the Committee for 1 hour”-- I don't think the issue deserves any more time than that. The meeting could be extended if the committee so chooses at the time--“and ask him to provide in advance of the Committee meeting extracts of pertinent documents.”
The term “pertinent documents”.... What we could do is.... Mr. Wright delivered a letter to the chair earlier today, and I will read the last paragraph into the record. Instead of “pertinent documents”, we could say “documents referred to in paragraph four of your letter to the chair dated October 25”. I'll read that paragraph:
If I appear before the Committee, I would also provide documents describing the safeguards that I and the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner intend to put in place in advance of my employment to ensure my recusal on matters where a conflict of interest may exist in the letter between me and Onex Corporation setting out the arrangements made regarding a potential return to Onex Corporation.
I think that would give the issue more precision, and with that amendment, if that amendment is agreeable, I would....
Well, first of all, let me do this right. I will invite a mover of the minutes.