I will now call the meeting to order and welcome everyone.
This meeting, colleagues, is a regular meeting of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics. It's a continuation of our study on street imaging applications, in particular dealing with the situation concerning Google, Canpages, etc.
We were hoping to have officials from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and officials from Google and Canpages here at the same time, but that didn't work out. The Google people are coming next Thursday. We will have Mr. Jacob Glick with us for the first hour next Thursday, November 4.
However, we're very pleased to have with us today, to deal with this particular issue, three officials from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. The committee would like to welcome first Patricia Kosseim, general counsel. She's accompanied by Daniel Caron, legal counsel, legal services, policy and parliamentary affairs branch; and Andrew Patrick, information technology research analyst.
I believe Madame Kosseim will give the opening remarks for the office. I will now invite her to give her opening remarks.
Again, welcome.