Forgive me, but you are not answering my question. I am not simply referring to that ethical wall. I am talking about all the information that you will be able to gather as chief of staff. You will gain knowledge about everything going on in the departments, which might help you to create an even larger network post-employment. There is something wrong here in terms of ethics. That is my comment, I will now move on to a second question.
How will you be able to act as chief of staff? Onex does business with so many departments in so many areas, that you will constantly have to recuse yourself. How will you be able to carry out your duties of chief of staff? You will have to recuse yourself.
What will you do when the time comes to prepare the budget, the government's key policy piece? With all of your corporate ramifications, I wonder what kind of role you will play as chief of staff. Onex's activities are so pervasive that you will have to withdraw from almost all situations. Where will that leave you? How will you be able to advise the Prime Minister?