Thanks very much.
Thanks very much, also, for providing the documents in advance. That's been very helpful to us.
I have a concern that you've taken a very transactional approach to the idea of government dealings with Onex. You've said, even with this diagram, that you think it's a limited amount of contact. But it's a veritable universe of public policy.
If only 1% of box office receipts are for Canadian films, would you be able to participate in a conversation about Canadian content on Canadian screens in Canada, for example? Would you be able to have a conversation about corporate tax cuts with borrowed dollars? Really, how can you do this?
The other piece is that we have some concerns that you're reporting to your inferior--somebody you can fire. That isn't usually the way this would be sorted out, in terms of having a separate officer from maybe the Ethics Commissioner's office or some other way of doing this. It seems odd that the person who will be managing your ethical screen is your junior, so to speak.
I guess the other piece is in terms of what you come in with and what you leave with. Is there a reason the code of conduct, in terms of the cooling-off period, wouldn't apply to you?