Take income trusts, for instance. Let's look at some of the key items of the day. When somebody mentioned Indigo Books, that's also publishing, printing and copyright. One of the key issues being debated in the national discourse today is the new copyright legislation; it's broad, it's sweeping and expansive. You can't be involved in advising the Prime Minister on anything to do with copyright if your Indigo Books & Music is integrally involved in that debate. In fact, Heather Reisman herself is outspoken on that issue.
You can't be involved in anything to do with income trusts, which is another big debated issue. And there is credit, finances, mortgaging, the automotive industry, the aerospace industry, the health care industry, virtually everything that's important. We used to have a joke, myself and my friend I worked with, who always said that in his house he makes all the big decisions, but since he's been married there haven't been any big decisions for him to make. You're not going to be able to make any of the big decisions; you are only going to be able to deal with the little wee stuff.