Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Mr. Glick, for being here today.
I really want to applaud you for your forthright testimony today. I think your admissions have been refreshing, understanding the fact it was an inadvertent error and that you're taking all necessary steps to correct the matter, from what I can tell.
I was surprised to hear about the number of Canadians who are using Street View. I think that indicates the value of Street View. You indicated that possibly it's especially valuable for those who can't read maps. I would suggest it's also valuable for anybody from Kitchener, because Kitchener has a series of streets that run in many different directions, as you would know, coming from that area. King Street runs east, west, north, and south, so it's difficult to give someone directions. So I appreciate your efforts there.
I'm disappointed that you don't have many of the rural areas mapped on Street View. I also represent three townships: Wellesley, Wilmot, and Woolwich. It's disappointing that I can't take a Sunday afternoon drive on Google and see the beautiful landscape in my riding. That's just a little bit of encouragement for you to get the rural areas up as well. Maybe there are initiatives to do the rural areas. My use of Street View has been very limited, so I'm not sure if many of the rural areas are covered. Are they?