She's been at Google for a number of years. I don't have her biography in front of me, but we can use Microsoft Bing later to search for it and get it. But I can tell you that her doctorate is in the area of computer science and security and that she has published numerous papers in computer science, security, and privacy. She has been a thought leader in the area of privacy and security on a global basis for a number of years, and within Google. She has a deep understanding of these issues.
Another important thing to note, and I think this is an interesting bit of colour, is that she's based in London, England. She's not based in Mountain View, California. That's important because she doesn't bring a uniquely American perspective to bear on this; she brings a global perspective to bear. So to the extent that you think there are only American conceptions, for example, of privacy, I would respond that we're really talking about bringing global perspectives to bear in the design and implementation of privacy principles, practices, and standards that are already in Google, that have already contributed to the development of products that we have. She's been a leader in a number of initiatives already within Google, and that perspective will continue to be brought to bear at the highest levels.