Yes. I'll say two things on that.
I was just going to add to what Shelley said on the case before. We haven't talked very much about the part of the process that is consultation with other departments. It's a challenge for us at Environment Canada, because so many of our files touch other departments, whether it's Foreign Affairs, Natural Resources, or provincial governments, and that's really one of the keys.
I think Shelley did a good job of describing the process. You can see that at each stage you have to have good systems to pull the records out, you have to have efficient systems within the department to analyze them...and we have to find ways to have these consultations with other departments in an efficient way, because they can prolong things.
On your second question, what I meant when we talked earlier is that there is an active community out there among, I guess, primarily Shelley and her colleagues, but to some extent Pierre's, who talk to each other about what they're doing, share best practices, lessons learned—that kind of thing. That's where some ideas, such as the training program, come from, and other things that somebody might be doing to improve their search system.
Shelley, does that cover it?