It's important to make a distinction between a crime, which falls within federal jurisdiction, and the offence in question, which falls within provincial jurisdiction. As you know, the provinces do not have the power to legislate with respect to crime. The crime we are talking about here would have been attempted bribery of a public official. As a candidate, I did not meet the very broad definition of public official in the Criminal Code.
Furthermore, it was obvious that he was not doing this while carrying out his normal duties. He was doing it as a voter who wished to contribute to an election fund. The offer he made was not the offer of a mayor. That's why I was absolutely convinced of that.
I also noted a third point. As I already said, he was not asking for anything in exchange for the money offered to me. At that point, it was clear to me that no offence had been committed or anything of the kind.
However, there had obviously been an attempt to violate the Election Act, but that in itself is not an offence.