So the letter has been translated, and I think we will be able to post the link on the committee website. Is that correct? If not, it's on mine. As we go forward we are trying to make a big push, not only for what we do here in Parliament, but how we do it, in terms of being much more bottom-up and open.
As you advise us on what we will be able to do on the committee website, are there other places, whether it's GTEC or something to do with your site, Mr. Mulley, at Eventually there will be a list of all of the consultations going on by government at the same time. It will be a kind of guidepost, if people are interested in participating in a democracy between elections, on where the openness is for them to play, or to advise or consult.
Over the next little while perhaps you will have advice on sites we should be notified of, sites where we should be participating, or sites that should be directed to our process. I think the more robust our process, the better reports we're going to get, and the more we can help with moving it.
I don't know if you have any advice right now, or whether you will get back to us with the kinds of things you need. But certainly if you want to send an open letter as to how we should proceed, we would welcome that as well.