I will now call the meeting to order.
Welcome, everyone. Bienvenue à tous.
This meeting is called pursuant to the Standing Orders, and it deals with our ongoing study into open government.
The committee is very pleased to have before us today two witnesses. First of all, we have with us in person Mr. Michael Mulley from Montreal. He's a web programmer, but he's also the developer and owner of that website, which is probably familiar to most of us, entitled openparliament.ca. He certainly has dealt with open government data and he's aware of the opportunities and challenges of which it avails itself.
We have, through video teleconference, Mr. Chris Moore. Mr. Moore is the chief information officer with the City of Edmonton, and he can bring to us the perspective of a municipality in dealing with the release and dissemination of collected data.
What I plan to do is go until five o'clock with our two witnesses, and then we will go in camera. The committee has to deal with certain budgetary items. Also I would like to review and approve, if possible, the report that has been prepared under the Google study.
First of all, I want to check whether the teleconferencing is working okay.
Mr. Moore, can you hear me okay?