In the United States, basically Mr. Obama signed a presidential directive that said that each agency had to release a set number of data sets. These are not documents, but data sets. He set a timetable and said that they need to release this number of data sets by this date, and this number of data sets by this date, and put them on a site.
In terms of being able to tap into the enthusiasm of the public, that was all public. They bring the data sets to the government, so it's a little bit less about telling us what you think we should do and more about having all the stuff available so that you can tell us what you think about it.
At the agencies, DOD had x amount of time to produce these data sets, and they just kept releasing them. Then they did some of these innovation contests and that kind of stuff. They engaged the public in different ways, but that's probably from my side. There are different ways, I think, for other....