Just to show you how significant the issue of data is, whether it's from government or anywhere, two or three weeks ago I was at LinkedIn in San Francisco, at their head offices, for a presentation. This guy from LinkedIn had this great chart and showed the number of people who had analytics in their job title, graphed over time. It started off infinitesimally small, and now we're into skyrocketing growth. It's just taking off.
You have to understand that our entire economy is being digitized. The moment you say that, well...it's going to digitize how? Well, into some form of data. So I would actually be wandering around and looking: okay, what are the companies that are making use of data? What are the companies that are figuring out ways to make themselves more efficient and more effective?
It's everything from people at Natural Resources Canada who are using federal government data around where our resources are in this country to figure out how they can be more effective and how they can harm the environment less, to people over at RIM who are figuring out how to create applications that make lives more useful.... I think there will be a number of interesting companies and a number of interesting uses that will arise.
Every jurisdiction is going to have a different one. In Vancouver, there's a group I'm involved in--and maybe we'll do something more interesting with it--and in Vancouver the garbage day changes every time there's a statutory holiday, because they don't want you to go two weeks without getting your garbage picked up. That means your garbage day might be Monday one month, but then it might be Wednesday the following month, and obviously people have a hard time keeping track of that.
All the government does is give you a printout at the beginning of the year with a map of what zone you live in and what your garbage schedule looks like. Because they made that data open, we put that data into Google Maps, so you can just go to a website called VanTrash and click on the zone, and it tells you what your schedule is. But then you can also download that schedule into your iPhone or your BlackBerry, which currently the government can't do, or if you give us your e-mail address, we'll e-mail you the day before garbage day to remind you. That's a very, very small type.... And maybe that could be a company, right?
That's a very, very small example, but I want you to begin to think about it. What are all of the services that we offer? What is all the information we have? What are all the ways it can be helpful for people? It's going to be baked into our economy to make our lives more efficient and more effective, and I think there the opportunity is not insignificant.