Then we do have some time potentially for February 16, if we were to take a look. There is some time on the schedule.
I would seek your permission, Mr. Chair, if we could call the CBC to appear on February 16, seeing as we have some time. I think we're going to need some time to look into this. Then we can, perhaps as a committee, look at some future dates. But since we do have some time on February 16, I'd like us to consider calling them before the committee on February 16.
I will stick to the original thoughts of last week, Mr. Chair. I find it unacceptable that an organization that takes well over $1 billion can't seem to squeeze us into their schedule three months after a motion was passed by this committee. I would respectfully submit that we call them before the committee on February 16 and we reserve that date for a further review and to begin the investigation of the motion I brought forward before Christmas.