I will now call the meeting to order and welcome everyone.
Colleagues, this meeting is a continuation of the committee's ongoing study into open government, or open data, whatever nomenclature you want to use--or both, as Dr. Bennett has indicated.
We're very pleased to have three witnesses with us today. The first witness is Brian Beamish, assistant commissioner, from the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario. We're also very pleased to have the city manager from the City of Vancouver, Ms. Penny Ballem, and Mr. Guy Michaud, director, information technology services and chief information officer, City of Ottawa.
On behalf of all committee members, I want to extend to each of you a very warm welcome.
We're going to start with opening comments from each of you, and then we'll have questions from members.
We'll start with you, Monsieur Michaud, for five to ten minutes.